>0% Recycled/ >50% Recyclable

Freestor Tambour Storage

Office tambour storage for stationary, filing or coat storage.

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Freestor Tambour Storage

Freestor Tambour Cabinets

Part of the Freestor range, our Tambour Storage Units are Flexiform’s most popular office storage cabinet. The Freestor Tambour is designed to replace the traditional 4-drawer filing cabinets, offering more efficient storage space and featuring space-saving shutters which curl up within the unit, minimising operational space.

Available in multiple heights and widths, these side-opening tambour office storage units are suitable for the end of the desk, as room dividers with optional storage planters, or as part of a large storage wall. Each Tambour can also be tailored to the users’ requirements with a large range of accessories including pull-out filing, shelves and drawers for ease of use. Our Freestor Tambours are also available as an extra-deep office wardrobe storage for coats and bags with side ventilation panels.

Office Tambour Storage

Key Features

Product Specification


  • Two side opening shutter doors curl up into the unit reducing operating space.
  • Inset handle for ease of opening.
  • Magnetic aluminium slam rail to create a seamless front when the unit is closed.
  • Single-point locking with Claw Lowe and Fletcher lock.
  • Durable plastic shutter fronts are available in a wide range of complementing or contrasting colours.
  • Full range of internal components to tailor storage to each user’s needs.
  • Available with 25mm MFC top with 2mm ABS edge.
  • Components: plain shelf, slotted shelf, pigeon hole, lateral plain shelf with fixed suspension rails, lateral suspended filing rails, coat rail with shelf, pull out shelf, pull out filing frame with 2 adjustable rails, long rail A4 suspended rails, single drawer, 8” or 11” system drawers.
  • Storage top planters.
  • UK designed and manufactured by Flexiform.


  • Widths: 800mm, 825mm and 1000mm.
  • Depth: 475mm.
  • Heights with MFC Top: 720mm, 740mm, 1090mm, 1110mm.
  • Heights with Steel Top: 1017mm, 1200mm, 1322mm, 1677mm, 2007mm.
  • Tambour Wardrobe WxDxH: 800mm/1000mm x 600mm x 2007mm.



  • Tested to BS EN 14073-2:2004, BS EN 14073-3:2004, BS EN 14074:2004.



  • Recycled Content: 33.93%
  • Recyclable Content: 93.02%


  • MFC Band 1: Choice of white, white with oak edging, white with black edging, pale grey, dust grey, oak*or walnut* top 
  • MFC Band 2: Choice of cashmere grey, antique rose, denim blue, reed green, sevilla ash, natural nebraska oak, natural hamilton oak, truffle brown denver oak, natural carini walnut, light grey Chicago concrete.
  • Steel: Choice of white, pale grey, silver, graphite grey, black, pale brown, grey beige, beige, light ivory, olive green, fern green, reed green, black green, pine green, patina green, pale green, sapphire blue, violet blue, distant blue, pastel blue, purple red, red violet, orient red, beige red, tomato red, salmon pink, yellow orange, or broom yellow steel.
  • Shutters: Black, dark grey, silver, light grey, white.

*Please note, we cannot guarantee the continuity of these finishes.


  • Flexiform Office Furniture Brochure Download

    Flexiform Specification Guide

    Flexiform Office Furniture Brochure Download

    Office Storage Brochure

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  • Flexiform CAD Block Download

    Freestor Tambour Storage CAD Blocks

    Flexiform Revit Downloads .RVT files

    Freestor Tambour Storage Revit Blocks

    Flexiform Revit Downloads .RVT files

    Tilable Woodgrain Worktop Images

  • Flexiform PDF Product Datasheet Download

    Freestor Tambour Storage Datasheet

  • Flexiform Certifications

    Freestor Tambour Storage Certificate

  • Standard Steel Finishes

    Powder-coated steel with minimum paint coverage thickness of 35 Microns. Indentation, cross-cut adhesion and bend tested. Matt Finish.

    Black Steel, Matt

    RAL 9005

    Flexiform Code: BLM

    Graphite Grey Steel, Matt

    RAL 7024

    Flexiform Code: GGM

    Jot Silver Steel, Matt

    RAL 9006

    Flexiform Code: JOM

    Pale Grey Steel, Matt

    RAL 7035

    Flexiform Code: PGM

    White Steel, Matt

    RAL 9016

    Flexiform Code: JWM

    Pale Brown Steel, Matt

    RAL 8025

    Flexiform Code: BPM

    Grey Beige Steel, Matt

    RAL 1019

    Flexiform Code: BGM

    Beige Steel, Matt


    Flexiform Code: BBM

    Light Ivory Steel, Matt

    RAL 1015

    Flexiform Code: BIM

    Olive Green Steel, Matt

    RAL 6003

    Flexiform Code: GOM

    Fern Green Steel, Matt

    RAL 6025

    Flexiform Code: GFM

    Reed Green Steel, Matt

    RAL 6013

    Flexiform Code: GRM

    Black Green Steel, Matt

    RAL 6012

    Flexiform Code: GBM

    Pine Green Steel, Matt

    RAL 6028

    Flexiform Code: GPM

    Patina Green Steel, Matt

    RAL 6000

    Flexiform Code: GAM

    Pale Green Steel, Matt

    RAL 6021

    Flexiform Code: GCM

    Sapphire Blue Steel, Matt

    RAL 5003

    Flexiform Code: USM

    Violet Blue Steel, Matt

    RAL 5000

    Flexiform Code: UVM

    Distant Blue Steel, Matt

    RAL 5023

    Flexiform Code: UDM

    Pastel Blue Steel, Matt

    RAL 5024

    Flexiform Code: UPM

    Purple Red Steel, Matt

    RAL 3004

    Flexiform Code: RPM

    Red Violet Steel, Matt

    RAL 4002

    Flexiform Code: RLM

    Orient Red Steel, Matt

    RAL 3031

    Flexiform Code: ROM

    Beige Red Steel, Matt

    RAL 3012

    Flexiform Code: RBM

    Tomato Red Steel, Matt

    RAL 3013

    Flexiform Code: RTM

    Salmon Pink Steel, Matt

    RAL 3022

    Flexiform Code: PSM

    Yellow Orange Steel, Matt

    RAL 2000

    Flexiform Code: OYM

    Broom Yellow Steel, Matt

    RAL 1032

    Flexiform Code: YBM

    MFC Finishes, Band 1

    25mm melamine faced chipboard (M.F.C) with 2mm ABS edging. British standard 476 class 1 surface spread of flame. Meets E1 European standards on Formaldehyde emissions.

    White MFC and Laminate Finish

    25mm White MFC with 2mm ABS matching edge

    W1000 ST9

    Flexiform Code: WHM

    White MFC with Oak Edge

    25mm White MFC with 2mm ABS contrasting Oak edge

    W1000 ST9

    Flexiform Code: WHO

    White MFC and Black Edge

    25mm White MFC with 2mm ABS contrasting Black edge

    W1000 ST9

    Flexiform Code: WHB

    Grey MFC

    25mm Grey MFC with 2mm ABS matching edge

    U708 ST9

    Flexiform Code: MOG

    25mm Dust Grey MFC with 2mm ABS matching edge

    U732 ST9

    Flexiform Code: DGM

    Oak MFC and Laminate

    25mm Oak MFC with 2mm ABS matching edge

    H1334 ST9

    Flexiform Code: MOK

    Walnut MFC and Laminate

    25mm Walnut MFC with 2mm ABS matching edge

    H3704 ST9

    Flexiform Code: MOW

    MFC Finishes, Band 2

    25mm melamine faced chipboard (M.F.C) with 2mm ABS edging. British standard 476 class 1 surface spread of flame. Meets E1 European standards on Formaldehyde emissions.

    Cashmere Grey Office Furniture

    25mm Cashmere Grey MFC with 2mm ABS matching edge

    U702 ST9

    Flexiform Code: MSC

    Antique Rose Office Furniture Finish

    25mm Antique Rose MFC with 2mm ABS matching edge

    U325 ST9

    Flexiform Code: MAR

    Denim Blue Office Furniture

    25mm Denim Blue MFC with 2mm ABS matching edge

    U540 ST9

    Flexiform Code: MDB

    Reed Green MFC

    25mm Reed Green MFC with 2mm ABS matching edge

    U604 ST9

    Flexiform Code: MRG

    Sevilla Ash Office Furniture - Contact Furniture

    25mm Sevilla Ash MFC with 2mm ABS matching edge

    H1223 ST19

    Flexiform Code: MSA

    Nebraska Oak MFC

    25mm Natural Nebraska Oak MFC with 2mm ABS matching edge

    H3331 ST10

    Flexiform Code: MNO

    Hamilton Oak - Office Furniture Finishes

    25mm Natural Hamilton Oak MFC with 2mm ABS matching edge

    H3303 ST10

    Flexiform Code: MHO

    Truffle Brown Denver Oak MFC - Office Furniture

    25mm Truffle Brown Denver Oak MFC with 2mm ABS matching edge

    H1399 ST10

    Flexiform Code: MDO

    Walnut MFC - Office Furniture

    25mm Natural Carini Walnut MFC with 2mm ABS matching edge

    H3710 ST12

    Flexiform Code: MCW

    Light Grey Chicago MFC - Industrial Office Furniture

    25mm Light Grey Chicago Concrete MFC with 2mm ABS matching edge

    F186 ST9

    Flexiform Code: MCC

    Tambour Shutters

    Black Tambour Shutters

    Black - Tambour Shutter

    Flexiform Code: BK

    Dark Grey Tambour Shutters

    Dark Grey - Tambour Shutter

    Flexiform Code: DG

    Silver Tambour Shutters

    Silver- Tambour Shutter

    Flexiform Code: SL

    Light Grey Tambour Shutters

    Light Grey - Tambour Shutter

    Flexiform Code: LG

    White Tambour Shutters


    Flexiform Code: WH