Our Commitment to Social Value

At Flexiform, we are an ethically driven company, prioritising 4 key goals; sustainable business practice, social responsibility, quality products, and premium customer service. We believe these are the cornerstones of a successful company and are ingrained into our way of working throughout Flexiform and our sister company, Asgard Storage.

We’ve been investing in the community, our staff and sustainable practices for decades. Here are some of our achievements:

Social Value Achievements

Flexiform Charity Football Team

£102.8 million
Total Social Value Created
2015 – Today

£17 million
Social Value created
In 2023 alone

£81.4 million
Social value created by using Local Suppliers
2017 – 2023

of total spend made using SMEs
2017 – 2023

£1.78 million
Spent on R&D Projects
2016 – 2023

9 Trained
Mental Health First Aiders


£2.2 million
Social value created by hiring local staff
2017 – 2024

Social value created by hiring non-local hub staff
2017 – 2024

Find out more about our Community Donations.
Find out more about our Training & Apprentice scheme

Our Net Zero Commitments

Flexiform manufacturing facility

Net Zero Goal

Excluding Materials

Net Zero Goal
With Supply Chain

36% Reduction
Goal by 2027
Compared to 2006 baseline

Find out more about our Net Zero commitment.

Our key environmental statistics

Flexiform Solar Panels and Environmental Projects

900 tonnes CO2e

Scope 1, 2023

723 tonnes CO2e
Scope 2, 2023

8393 tonnes CO2e
Scope 3, Inclusive of Materials, 2023

49% Renewable
Electricity at our factory with an additional 15% from our own solar panels


60.89% Reduction
In Water
m3/per £m turnover 2010-2023

55.97% Reduction

62.50% Reduction
Natural Gas


0.00% Waste to Landfill
Waste is converted into energy
Since 2021

19.20% Reduction
In Co2 emissions per Asgard drop

Find out more about our Environmental Achievements, Policies and Certificates.

Statistics are inclusive of the whole business, including all UK sites and Asgard Secure Steel Storage.
All statistics are updated annually, for updated figures, please contact Flexiform.